Solar Vs Diesel
When customers ask us the difference between Solar Vs Diesel. We let them know why we no longer stock Diesel. as it is an outdated product. The benefits of solar light towers are just too big to ignore.
So, if you are inquiring about a lighting tower for any project. Here is a list of benefits of choosing solar over diesel.

Solar Power
- It is true that purchasing diesel lighting towers are cheaper upfront. However, when you consider the cost in the long term, you will find that diesel is far more expensive.
- For instance, if a 12,000-watt tower uses 2.5L of diesel an hour, running at a load of 64% for 24/7, the consumption can be as high as 60L a day.
- Also, a tower of this size has a fuel tank capacity of 250L. It has between 100 to 110 hours of run time, adding to the inconvenience of having to refuel regularly.
- Meanwhile, solar energy is used to power the solar lighting towers. Meaning once you’ve paid for it, that’s it; there’s no additional running cost.

Solar Power
Less Maintenance
- Solar lighting towers require minimal or no maintenance. These towers categorised as ‘set-up’ and ‘move-on’.
- Whereas diesel lighting towers have a diesel motor, regular maintenance is required. Hence, the towers perform correctly, such as oil and air filter changes.
- Diesel lighting towers requiring ongoing maintenance would increase the running cost.

Solar Power
Produces no emissions.
- Solar lighting towers have the great advantage of being environmentally friendly. Powered by natural energy, no chemical emissions are polluted.
- Whereas diesel lighting towers produce and discharge CO2 gas, which is dangerous for the environment and people.

Solar Power
- A diesel motor powers diesel lighting towers; they are noisier to run. Causing some issues, especially for after-hours use, because there are often noise restrictions in areas.
- The use of solar lighting towers would limit these types of issues.
In terms of investment, LDC decided to use solar instead of diesel because solar is far more financially viable. Also, an excellent benefit is that solar lighting towers are environmentally friendly by having no noise or producing no emissions harmful to the environment or us.
We provide this information to support our belief that solar lighting towers are a better investment for our customers. To make it easier to select which lighting tower you would want to purchase for your next project.
Check out the Solar Powered Equipment for Hire at ETC Hire!
*Information in cost comparison based on current market values. All figures plus GST.