LED Signs Gold Coast

LED Signs Gold Coast

Leading Australian-made traffic advisory and control equipment is designed, manufactured, and distributed by LDC Equipment, which also produces LED signage, radar speed check signs, arrow boards, traffic signals, solar illumination towers, and security cameras. We have more than 25 years of expertise in production, design, and sales. LDC Equipment offers countrywide shipping from its plant, which is headquartered on the Gold Coast and is growing.

Versatile LED Signs for Enhanced Safety and Traffic Control on the Gold Coast

Led Signs Gold Coast, distributed by LDC Equipment, have become an integral part of our operations, offering a versatile range of solutions that go beyond mere advertising. With their advanced LED technology and adaptable features, these signs have proven invaluable in enhancing safety signage, facilitating traffic control, and serving a wide array of industry applications here on the Gold Coast.

When it comes to safety signage, Led Signs Gold Coast from LDC Equipment have truly made a difference. We can rely on these signs to effectively display critical safety messages, warnings, and regulations throughout our workplace, public spaces, and construction sites. The exceptional visibility and clarity of the LED lights ensure that these important safety instructions are easily noticed, even in challenging lighting conditions. With these signs in place, we can communicate crucial safety information to our employees, visitors, and contractors promptly and effectively.

Enhance Safety with LDC Equipment’s LED Signs on the Gold Coast – Contact Us Today for Expert Advice!

LDC Equipment has built a reputation for designing and manufacturing superior quality traffic control equipment, VMS signs, LED signs and solar lighting towers. Led Signs Gold Coast, distributed by LDC Equipment, have become indispensable tools in our operations. Their versatility, adaptability, and high visibility make them vital in enhancing safety, facilitating traffic control, and serving a wide range of industry applications. Contact the team today for more information on our LED signs in the GC and how we can assist you in your business application.




Address: 27 Harrington Street, Arundel, QLD 4214

Phone: (07) 5529 1188

Email: [email protected]
  : [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm



Phone: (08) 9467 4481


Phone: (03) 9005 7180

LDC EquipmentContact Us

Proud Members of the Traffic Management Association of Australia and the Hire and Rental Industry Association.

For any product or related enquiries, please contact us by calling or send an email to get in touch with our friendly staff.

Thank you for your inquiry. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.